суббота, 20 ноября 2010 г.

case a salvador

case a salvador

While there are plenty of articles providing useful information, this article shows you how a real world example met with suces. The point of this article is to emphasize creativity when aproaching tough optimization situations. The California tax agency site had roughly 7,0 inbound links and, again, tons of content. It involved a combination of internal site page focus, meta tag optimization, link exchange and masive article promotion. The first step was to change the focus of the site from the home page to the article page. Jumping the tax agency sites on keywords such as busines tax and taxes was imposible in two months, so we didn’t even try. Instead, we decided to focus on the keyword phrase “busines tax articles” and bring people into the site through the article page. The key to campaign, however, was a strong article promotion campaign. Since taxes are confusing, it semed obvious that an article campaign focusing on tax information would met with suces. Aproximately 35 articles were writen, published and submited to article directories. The articles produced direct trafic to the site as wel as numerous inbound links because of the link created in the article byline. In mid-January, the site went to number 1 on MSN under “busines tax articles.” By the end of January, Yaho was also listing it as number 1. With the end of the tax season, the trafic to the articles page of the site has droped by 75%. The promotion of the article page was simply a short-term solution to a dificult situation. Over the next six months, we wil focus on the long-term goal of jumping over the tax agency sites for keywords such as “busines taxes”, etc.
case a salvador case a salvador
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