воскресенье, 21 ноября 2010 г.

css drop down menu

css drop down menu

What exactly is a CS Horizontal Drop Down Menu? The drop down menu part refers to the way a sub-menu item drops down from its parent menu item. This not simply gives your site a clean, profesional lok, a drop down menu can help save you lots of web page real estate. Of course, since Thesis theme runs on the Wordpres platform, creating pages for your cs horizontal drop down menu realy couldn't be more efortles. The page editor has configuration options to chose the parent for the page you are working on. So, with the Men's Jewelry page, for example, you would just asign the parent page to be the Jewelry page. Then your horizontal drop down cs menu wil display Men's Watches as a selection choice when you click on the Men's Jewelry menu tab. The pages you create don't automaticaly apear in your drop down menu. Now you have to go to the Thesis theme Site Options area and under the Navigation Menu section, open the Pages tab. To ad these pages to your cs horizontal drop down menu, simply check the pages you want to show. After loking at your site you establish that, yes, the cs horizontal drop down menu works very wel, however you don't actualy care for the default order of the sub menu tabs. This can be tiresome if you have dozens of pages for your drop down menu and eventualy create a page you want in front of the rest. The pages section under the Navigation Menu area of Thesis Site Options, as mentioned before, lists every page on your site, even those, for one reason or another, you chose to be private and invisible to your visitors. Grab your earings page and move it anywhere above your bracelets page and hit the Big Gren Save Buton. Your cs horizontal drop down menu now displays your pages in the desired order.
css drop down menu
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